Monday 13 August 2012

'Pink' by Me

Pink by PhotoPuddle
Pink, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.
Did you have a good weekend? Mine was brilliant. The weather was fantastic and we had friends over for barbecues on both the Saturday and the Sunday. We also got very caught up in the excitement of the diving and 5000 metres on Saturday night. And on Sunday evening we watched the closing ceremony and said goodbye to the Olympics. Going to be weird not watching that all day now. Roll on the Paralympics!

This is another pretty flower photo I took. Summer is coming to an end now so won't be long before all the summer flowers are gone. I need to snap a few more while I still can.


  1. Stunning photo.

    The diving was great - I'm missing the Olympics too! I loved the closing ceremony.

  2. Gorgeous colour photo. Glad you had a great weekend (I owe you an email!).
    I'm a bit lost this week without the Olympics but at least I get to catch up on my blog reading :)


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